Thursday, January 1, 2015

Mission Statement: My Journey through Life

I often read and listen to John Maxwell, an expert and mentor in principled leadership. From blogs to newsletters to audiobooks, Mr. Maxwell’s guidance has been present in my life for over twenty years. About 10 years ago, our work leadership team went through the exercise of creating a personal mission statement, as we participated in group training, “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Managers”, by Stephen Covey. I had seen a blog by John Maxwell on how to travel through life, and I adapted for my own mission statement.

It seems right to re-commit to my mission statement as I start the New Year. So in my next blog series, I will reflect on each of the ten guideposts of my mission statement, and re-commit to each guidepost as I go along.

In My Journey Through Life, I will:
Travel light: Get rid of excess emotional and physical baggage; live simply
Take someone with me: Cherish friendship and family, and let time heal my heart
Take the high road: Forgive quickly, and live with integrity, empathy, and compassion
Follow the roadmap: Know where I am and where I’m going
Stop to ask for directions: Seek credible advice from Masters and Mentors
Make a U-Turn when needed: Change directions to get back on a safe route
Appreciate the detours: Learn from mistakes, obstacles and challenges
Take pictures: Create memories along the way and then stop every now and then to remember those special times
Go the extra mile: Keep my commitments, and be willing to act
Stop to smell the roses: Enjoy life in the here and now, experience every moment of every day, and be grateful.

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